Reviews & Feedback
“Very energized- connected. Love the movements, walking, everything by Roger”
by DR
by CC
“My body is at ease, low pain, flexible. I feel grounded, at peace at the moment”
by LH
“This was fantastic! I feel expanded and free, which is great. Because my intention was to free comfortable moving in any direction.”
“Although deceivingly simple- this guided movement workshop left me feeling invigorated yet focused. I could have gone to boxing class or sat down to write a book! What an interesting place to be in mentally. A great tool for sure.”
“I did not know what to expect, but I was very pleased to find that it was quite easy to follow the directions, and so it was a successful experience for me. I would do it again. Clearly Roger is knowledgeable in this technique and his leadership through the movements made me quite comfortable. Without question, my body responded in a positive way. I think this is a valuable tool, and yes, I would tell others about it. Thanks again,” -DD

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“I recently visited Shen Shen for a manual lymph draining massage after reading great reviews about Roger.”

People actually know what they're doing based from the results I'm feeling. I go in for Trager with Roger and I come out with a long lasting comfort physically and emotionally. It's just amazing treatment. My accupuncturist Ja ( spelling it as I pronounce it) is truly awesome help to me especially during Fall- Winter months. I always suffer with bronchial issues. I would go to the doctors for antibiotic to treat such but my recovery after that is spent with accupuncture for like 3x and I'm done through the coming months feeling good and fully recovered.

ROGER HUGHES IS AMAZING!!!! I really can't say it enough. I have been to see him for already twice for a lymphatic drainage massage and every time I feel a dramatic difference!! HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend. He is super skilled, knows the anatomy well and tailors the massage to meet your needs. It really is an experience every time and I'm super comfortable in his care. If you've had any type of surgery or are experiencing discomfort, Roger is the best in Chicago to see. He has been doing this for many many years, trust, your money will be well spent. Thank me later!

Roger Hughes
Lincoln Park clinic
Shen Shen Health and Harmony
Housecall Service:
$180 per session (90-minute min.)
Chicago, Plus any parking fees
Chicago Suburbs, please contact Roger for additional information.
Corporate/group services Self-care and Somatic Movement Education workshops, or Professional Trager Trainings please contact Roger directly.